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Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /home/u112623068/domains/mzekiosmancik.com/public_html/wp-content/themes/blade/includes/grve-feature-functions.php on line 246

Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /home/u112623068/domains/mzekiosmancik.com/public_html/wp-content/themes/blade/includes/grve-feature-functions.php on line 278

Introduction to AI on Microsoft Azure

Introduction to AI on Microsoft Azure 853 480 mezo

Hello my dear padawans I would like to write some notes about AI for everyone, I am preparing for Microsoft AI Engineer certification exams and I will put my notes…

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Components on Blazor

Components on Blazor 1024 557 mezo

Hi my fellow Padawans Blazor is a frontend framework like Angular or React but mostly like React and it has components for create pages and reusable objects functionalities. But how…

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Create Your First Blazor Application

Create Your First Blazor Application 1024 557 mezo

Hello My Fellow Padawans 🙂 Today I will tell you about a new Frontend Technology called “Blazor”. It sounds similar from somewhere… Yes Razor and yes its a Microsoft technology.…

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Binary representation of floating-point numbers

Binary representation of floating-point numbers 1024 420 mezo

Have you ever considered the process by which computers store floating-point numbers such as 3.1416 (𝝿) or 9.109 × 10⁻³¹ (the mass of the electron in kg) in the memory…

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Welcome to AI-Powered Blogging

Welcome to AI-Powered Blogging 1024 1024 mezo

Artificial intelligence (AI) has made significant strides in recent years and is now being utilized in a variety of industries, including blogging. AI has the potential to revolutionize the way…

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Create a React Native Web, Android, and IOS project with Expo CLI

Create a React Native Web, Android, and IOS project with Expo CLI 1024 635 mezo

Hello fellow programmer padawans As you can understand from the title I will tell you how to create a web, Android, and IOS project with React Native and Expo. First,…

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Levenshtein Distance Algorithm

Levenshtein Distance Algorithm 1024 668 mezo

Hello my fellow Padawans  Couple days ago I had to use an algorithm for comparing string and I want to write something about Levenshtein Algorithm. This algorithm is for measure…

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Microsoft Edge Chromium new browser for Windows and Mac OS

Microsoft Edge Chromium new browser for Windows and Mac OS 500 334 mezo

Microsoft officially launched new Edge Chromium browser for Windows and MacOS. A stable version of Edge Chromium is available for everyone to download here. Microsoft initially targeting Edge at enterprise…

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